Tuesday, June 29, 2010

i start off this entry with a quote:
Me: Bitch pick up your rubbish! people like you are killing the planet!
Her: do you know who's killing the planet? HITLER.

so, things, in a LIST. because i'm, yknow, SO original.
1) it's the holidays next week!!! YUS SUMMER! loljk i live in the southern hemisphere. so its freezing. actually, it's quite warm, as winter goes, but still not much good for activities!
2) Since it's almost the end of term, i have assesments galore! YUS. i have tests in Maths (quadratics), Science (electricity), English (book fake commercial thing) aaand Drama. i'm alright with pretty much everything EXCEPT Drama.
3) it's a group thing and we are SO not prepared. ARRRGHHH!!!! i mean, i dont really mind, since its really easy to pass in drama and thats really all i care about. i am definitely not taking drama next year, i mean i took it for a fun subject and its just stresssss! gah! anyway, we have to basically get a poem and recite it or take a line or some lines in it and put them in your drama sometime. or you can even take a theme, so you can pretty much do whatever you want, which makes it EXTREMELY hard. so we're doing this thing about a girl with multiple personalities aaaand one persons being happy, one sad, one guilty. and weve practised literally once. so itll probably suck but oh well!
well, i need to go, practice lines, practice lines, etc!

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